It seems like the struggles of the Humane Society will never end and we know there are a lot of friends out there that promises when they win the lottery they will take care of all the animals but until then we have to once again ask for help on a smaller scale. The Humane Society’s operating cost is over $9,000 each month with mortgage, utilities, payroll, veterinarian care ($4,000 owed) and insurance.
The Society holds fundraisers, has opened the Rescue Resale Shop at 2225 Westwood Sq. In Marion, collect Pennies for Puppies and other collection sources and will try other resourceful ideas to generate the operating money.
There are items that are necessary for cleaning and the wellbeing of the dogs and cats that are not included in their operating budget and are desperately needed: The Humane Society needs help from our friends for:
- Bleach
- Dish soap
- Laundry soap
- Paper towels
- 39 gallon trash bags
- Gently used blankets
- Clay cat litter (non-clump able)